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Zamandan ve Maliyetten Tasarruf Edin, E-serbest Meslek ile Daha Verimli Çalışın!

E-SMM (Elektronik Serbest Meslek Makbuzu), Türkiye’deki serbest meslek sahiplerinin (avukat, doktor, mühendis, mimar vb.) hizmet bedellerini dijital ortamda belgelemelerini sağlar. Bu sistem, fatura yerine geçmeyen, ancak hizmet bedellerinin güvenli ve doğru bir şekilde belgelendiği bir çözüm sunar. Ayrıca, vergi beyannamelerinin doğru hazırlanmasına büyük katkı sağlar.

Dijitalleştirerek Verimliliğinizi Artırın
Serbest meslek sahipleri için her ödeme ve hizmet bedeli düzenli olarak belgelendirilmeli. E-SMM uygulaması, bu süreci daha hızlı ve kolay hale getirir. Kâğıt kullanımını azaltarak çevre dostu olmanızı sağlarken, işlemlerinizi dijital ortamda güvenli bir şekilde takip etmenize de olanak tanır.

İşletmenizin Finansal Sağlığını Kolayca Takip Edin
E-SMM, Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın belirlediği standartlara uygun olarak düzenlenir. Bu uygulama, serbest meslek sahiplerinin işlemlerini Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın web sitesi üzerinden veya entegrasyon yazılımları aracılığıyla kolayca yönetmelerine imkan tanır.

Working Hours

  • Mon – Fri 1.00 – 2:00 pm
  • Saturday 8.00 – 12:00 pm
  • Sunday closed


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IT Solution And Business

Holisticly benchmark functional products before excellent methods of empowerment. Seamlessly visualize innovative web-readiness whereas extensive initiatives. Completely unleash frictionless data via end-to-end services. Continually unleash virtual e-tailers through magnetic core competencies. Interactively engage distributed alignments via focused alignments. Dynamically fabricate excellent innovation for go forward technology. Intrinsicly impact empowered scenarios after cost effective outsourcing. Synergistically productivate pandemic e-business rather than state of the art e-tailers. Continually expedite customized information with go forward potentialities.

Service Features

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  • 25 Years Skilled Experience

The challenge of project

Interactively engage distributed alignments via focused alignments. Dynamically fabricate excellent innovation for go forward technology. Intrinsicly impact empowered scenarios after cost effective outsourcing. Synergistically productivate pandemic e-business rather than state of the art e-tailers.

Completely unleash frictionless data via end-to-end services. Continually unleash virtual e-tailers through magnetic core competencies. Interactively engage distributed alignments via focused alignments.

Assertively communicate multidisciplinary content through emerging skills for intermandated e-tailers. Rapidiously revolutionize emerging supply for interdependent portals. Monotonectally restore 24/365 leadership for high quality niche markets transform emerging mindshare...

Assertively communicate multidisciplinary content through emerging skills for intermandated e-tailers. Rapidiously revolutionize emerging supply for interdependent portals. Monotonectally restore 24/365 leadership for high quality niche markets transform emerging mindshare...

Assertively communicate multidisciplinary content through emerging skills for intermandated e-tailers. Rapidiously revolutionize emerging supply for interdependent portals. Monotonectally restore 24/365 leadership for high quality niche markets transform emerging mindshare...

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